Women's Ministry


Audubon Park Baptist Church Women’s Ministry


Sisters in Christ

A sister in Christ is a sister for life!


Ministry Scripture

“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.”
Philippians 2:2


Ministry Motto

Sisters in Christ united in love, spirit, and purpose for His glory.

Mission Statement

Sisters in Christ are women ministering to women to encourage and equip each sister to grow in her walk with Christ and deepen her relationship with God. 


Vision Statement

Grounded in God’s Word, we endeavor to be women of integrity who are pure in heart, kind, compassionate, and supportive of all women.  


As a disciple, we yearn to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and into His fullness to become the woman God would have us be.


Our desire is to seek God in all we do and live a Christ-like life that will be a light to the church and community. 


Using our God-given gifts, talents and abilities, we aspire to edify the body, complement, supplement and support the ministries of our church. 


We will create opportunities to connect women to Jesus and each other through prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and activities within the church and through outreach in the community, giving every woman the opportunity to hear the Good News, respond to God’s Word, and experience the depth of Christ’s love.



Audubon Park Baptist Church
475 W. Oates
Garland, TX 75043


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