Audubon Park Baptist Church serves as a lighthouse to reach our community, state, nation, and the world.
Local: Audubon Park Baptist is proactive in local ministries through VBS (Vacation Bible School), Fall Festival, and other special events. (View our calendar for upcoming events.)
Our Sunday Morning Bible Study (9:15 am) features classes for all ages. Our Sunday Worship Service (10:30 am; with Kid's church @ 11:00 am) and Wednesday Bible Study (7:00 pm for adults and children in grades K – 5) offer down-to-earth expositional sermons and studies. Whether you are a seeker or believer, it would be an honor to have you visit us!
North Texas Baptist Area is our local North Texas association of over 80 churches. Together we assist in planting new churches, support a pro-life care clinic (Lewisville), and offer training and Bible conferences. Check the NTBA website for more details.
State (SBTC): Southern Baptists are well-known, internationally, for their Disaster Relief ministries. What many do not know, however, is that we are trained through our local churches and associations. Our state convention, the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention coordinates disaster relief calls and sends out many teams throughout the year. The SBTC also plants new churches across the State of Texas and offers leadership training and many conferences to fit just about everyone's call to minister.
National (NAMB): The North American Mission Board provides missionaries through the US and Canada. Check their website for an array of ministry opportunities.
International (IMB): The International Mission Board also provides missionaries to nearly every country in the world. Check their website as well.